Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Mary, Queen of Angels by Doreen Virtue

Mary, Queen of Angels by Doreen Virtue

Mary, Queen of Angels

Mary, Queen of Angels by Doreen Virtue PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

     Mary, Queen of Angels is a nondenominational book that follows in the successful vein of Doreen Virtue’s bestsellers The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael and The Miracles of Archangel Michael.
     Grounded in and respectful of religion, this book is for readers of all faiths. As Doreen explains, “Mother Mary is our ideal parent: sweet, pure, nurturing, unconditionally loving, accepting, humble, wise, understanding, and compassionate. She comforts us with a soothing knowingness that puts our minds at rest. She reassures troubled hearts and allows us to feel loved and safe. She helps us to trust and believe in fairness and goodness.”
     In these pages, Doreen brings forth a collection of true stories from people who have experienced dramatic healings and visitations from Mother Mary. The stories are tied together by category, with commentary and narrative for those who wish to deepen their own connection to Mary and the angels.
     Also inside, you’ll find traditional and modern prayers involving Mary, as well as interesting discussions about the symbols associated with the Beloved Mother and geographic locations where Marian sightings are prevalent.

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